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The TMS Turninator: Our 24-hour turn time guarantee on Initial Funding Review

Only TMS has consistently provided amazingly fast 24-hour turn times on Initial Funding Review for three years running. In fact, TMS has hit this goal so often that, last fall, we started guaranteeing we’ll complete the initial funding review in 24 hours—or waive the $319 funding fee. No other lender does this. We call this the TMS Turninator.

From the very moment a package is delivered to TMS, there are constant eyes on it, as our state-of-the-art Loan Portal, KISS, automates the seamless movement of the package through the review process. Coupled with our rock star CAREspondent liaisons, TMS can do what no other correspondent investor in the industry does—get your loans reviewed in 24 hours, 100% of the time. Ready to bid a tape now?

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January 28, 2019