Important TMS COVID-19 Information and Resources
On behalf of the entire TMS family we assure you as news regarding the coronavirus (COVID-19) threat evolves, TMS continues to operate with flexibility and care during this period of unique circumstances. We take a broad approach to service continuity. We would like to update you on our preparedness to pre-empt exposure within our business locations, as well as, actions we are taking to continue delivering the level of outstanding customer service that defines TMS.
We have encouraged and enjoyed a remote workforce environment since our inception with very early adoption of video-conferencing, as well as, numerous procedural enhancements throughout all levels of the organization. Additionally, we fully operate in a cloud computing environment. We do not expect any delay in our turn times, loan purchases, or loan locks. Disruption in receipt of collateral may create delays.
People and Facilities:
- TMS has implemented an international travel ban for all of our team members. We are severely limiting or banning domestic travel, as well as, prohibiting team members work travel to specific locations within the United States where multiple confirmed cases of coronavirus have been reported. We encourage our clients and customers to consider reviewing their own travel policies and implementing travel restrictions as warranted.
- We have temporarily suspended all customer and partner visits to our offices in order to be consistent with our own travel restrictions and to align with the emerging travel restrictions of our customers and partners.
- TMS has implemented continual education of our team members regarding the importance of proper hygiene, including but not limited to frequent and proper handwashing, covering coughs and sneezes, and refraining from touching the eyes, noses and mouths as much as possible. We have also increased stocks and availability of soap, sanitizing wipes and hand sanitizer in all of our facilities.
- Team members have been reminded that those who are ill should not come to work. All team members must be symptom-free for at least 24 hours before returning to work. Any team member who has traveled to a country with a known outbreak of coronavirus or exposed domestically will not be permitted to return to the office for at least 14 days. If a team member exhibits symptoms of the flu while at work, they will be required to go home.
- We reviewed our procedures regarding telecommuting and remote work for our entire operation and have begun a full roll-out of remote work all team members at this time.
- As a cloud company with multiple data centers that are both separate from our physical office locations and managed virtually, we have proactively added increased capacity beyond normal carrying limits and are monitoring our solutions throughout the day with the capability to add even greater capacity as needed.
- We have invested in additional compute and storage for all of our services to create significant capacity for additional utilization and we have doubled the capacity for our backend platform services to maintain performance and service levels.
- We have modified our incident evaluation process and have increased the severity levels of all incidents in order to ensure quick resolution of any potential service interruptions.